Walkthrough: Create Form with InfoPath and use it in a SharePoint 2010 Form Library

In this walkthrough I want to show you the steps for creating a InfoPath form and use it with InfoPath Forms Services of SharePoint 2010.

1. First I downloaded a downloadable InfoPath form from Microsoft: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/new-travel-client-preference-form-TC001201306.aspx – It’s called “New travel client preference form”.

2. I create a document library where I store my InfoPath template(s).



3. Open InfoPath Designer. Open the downloaded InfoPath form (see step 1).


4. Go to “File” menu.

=> Click “Publish your form”

=> On the first time you will be redirected to “Publish” sub menu.

=> On “Publish” menu: Click “Quick Publish” or “SharePoint Server”


A wizard starts…

On the first page enter the URL of the destination site.


On the second page I choose “Site Content Type”. => So you can use the form on multiple lists.


Create new Content Type.


Enter the name of the Content Type.


Specify the location where the form template will be saved. This URL will be used for the Content Type. You know: A Content Type can have a document template setting that is used to create new items (documents) based on this Content Type. The URL will be stored in the Content Type.



Add all form columns to the resulting Content Type. This columns will be available in the SharePoint list items that represent a saved form. (Here I choose some columns for this example…)


Now you are almost finished. – Click “Publish”…


That’s the result for that:



4. Go to the browser. Open your SharePoint site.

=> Click “Libraries” in the Quick Launch.

=> Create a new Form Library like this:


Click “Library Settings” in the Ribbon.


Edit the “Advanced Settings” of the library.

=> Select the option “Allow management of content types?” May be other options. Then save.


Now edit the Content Types of the library on the “Library Settings” page:


=> Press “Add from existing site content types”.

Now choose your previously created content type “TravelPreference”. Then press “OK”.


Optional: Remove the standard “Form” content type from the list.

Now it looks like this:



5. In InfoPath Designer

=> Open the “File” menu.

=> Open the “Info” sub menu.

=> Click “Submit Options”

Choose “To SharePoint Library”


In the wizard: Specify the location for saving the filled forms:


Go through the next wizard page… Click “Finish”


=> Open the “File” menu.

=> Open the “Info” sub menu.

=> Click “Form Options”

Open “Compatibility” tab. Choose Form Type “Web Browser Form” and enter the site URL:


Click OK.

The “Design Checker” will open. There are some problems in the form:


This results in setting the form type to “Web Browser Form”: Such a form does not have some features. – Now remove the fields from the form…

Click “Refresh” in the “Design Checker” pane.

Now there’s only a warning. You can ignore this.


=> Open the “File” menu.

=> Open the “Info” sub menu.

Click “Quick Publish”


That’s it:



6. Go to the browser. Open your SharePoint site. Open your “TravelPreferences” list.

=> Click “Add new document”


Fill it out!

Click “Submit” (NOT: “Save” => You can disable the “Save” button in InfoPath Designer => “File” menu => “Info” pane => “Advanced form options” => “Web Browser” tab)

After clicking “Submit” you’ll get a document in your form library:


This can be used with Workflows and any other SharePoint functionality…

8 thoughts on “Walkthrough: Create Form with InfoPath and use it in a SharePoint 2010 Form Library

    • Hi Lenka,

      I’m sorry, but at the moment I cannot create demo projects for 2007. I’ve much content and topics for SharePoint 2010 I want to publish so I don’t want to spent time for MOSS. – So I do not have a running MOSS and InfoPath 2003… Sorry!

      Kind regards

  1. Hi! How do you keep users from seeing all the forms that have been created? For example, I would only want users to be able to submit a new form (or possibly view forms they have created) not view everyone’s forms. I can’t seem to figure out how to setup permissions for this or figure out a process to accomplish it. Thanks!

    • Hi!

      You could use a simple Workflow that you create with SharePoint Designer 2010. In this workflow you remove the item permissions on every created item and set new permissions for the persons that should see/edit/modify the forms stored in the form library. Pretty easy! – You have to use “Impersonation” in SharePoint Designer Workflow!!


  2. One more question, what is the best practice when you have 100 or so forms (templates) to manage? One site with a library or list created for each form? If we save these as content types, that would create too many for the drop down…..also having them all on one site, I’m not sure how they could be organized….can the libraries/lists be created within folders in that site? I’m really confused about how this evolves past a few forms. Thanks!

    • Hi S D!

      Interesting question! – I think I would create a custom Ribbon “new” button that provides a “sub categorization” feature. There you could categorize the Templates (Content Types ?!) This feature you could reuse on diffrent form libraries! – Not easy but possible! 😉

      Kind regards

  3. Pingback: Using Nintex Workflow and SharePoint to Create InfoPath Forms on a Schedule | The White Pages

  4. I was able to follow your Walkthrough: Create Form with InfoPath and use it in a SharePoint 2010 Form Library successfully. Many thanks for the post. I am having an issue when trying to EDIT the items. When I select the record and Edit Document, InfoPath launches where I am able to modify the content of the record. My requirement is to edit the record via a browser. Do you know how to correct this behavior??

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